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Rotary CO Cycling to Serve

September 2024 Denver or Palisade, CO 00000 US
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Rotary Club Team

Denver Rotary - CO

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $60,000


Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Our mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. 

Our world’s need for help is unceasing.   We help fund projects -- from donations for Turkey and Syria earthquake relief deployed by the international disaster relief organization, ShelterBox, to provide thousands of emergency shelters for people who have lost their homes; to providing books to elementary school students in our communities to improve literacy, Rotary provides both funding and hands-on support, locally and globally. 

HOW WILL MY DONATION BE USED?  This year, our Denver Rotary Club will use the funds to support  local youth and education organizations in addition to funding projects around the world.

Give with confidence, knowing that your generosity will be put to highly efficient use. Charity Navigator has awarded Rotary it’s top rating – 100% and 4 Stars – 16 years straight. 

Just click the blue Donate button below to make an easy and secure online donation. You’ll receive a confirming thank you email and tax receipt immediately. Your donation will appear on your credit card statement as “Signup*RotaryCOCyclingtoServe”

Your support and generosity are tremendously appreciated.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 

Option to Donate by check: 

  1. Give the check to our Rotary Club Foundation treasurer, OR a Rotary Club Team member (listed below)  OR, Mail your check to: 
    Denver Rotary Club Foundation, PO Box 102706, Denver, CO 80250 
  2. Write “Cycling to Serve” & "Denver Rotary" on the memo line, so your donation will come to this club, and I can know to thank you. 
  3. For a Tax Receipt, include a return address or email.
  4. Jot down these instructions, then close this online donation window. 

Top Donors

$59,055 Raised By 157 Donors

$5,000 from Anonymous
$5,000 from Anonymous
$5,000 From Gerald Middel
$3,000 From Elizabeth Seawalt
$3,000 From MARY PENNY
$3,000 On Behalf Of The Denver Foundation
$2,500 from Anonymous
$2,000 from Anonymous
$2,000 From Pam Adams
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 From Chad Tyler
$1,000 From Han Chae
$1,000 On Behalf Of Patuxent Land Co
$1,000 from Anonymous
$500 from Anonymous
$500 from Anonymous
$500 From David Johannes
$500 From David Kays
$500 From Frank Lawrence
$500 From Marilyn Renninger
$500 From Peter Wall
$500 From Robert Bidwell
$500 From Telecom Technicians Inc/Jon Somes
$400 From Jay White
$300 from Anonymous
$300 From Carter Sales
$300 From Chris Marseilles
$250 From Anne Feist
$250 From Anne Feist
$250 From Brian Greffe
$250 From Don Kane
$250 From Elin Harrington-Schreibetr
$250 from Anonymous
$250 From Kevin M. Hart
$250 From MARY PENNY
$250 From Michael Dowling
$250 From Richard Allerton
$250 From Shana Montrose
$250 From Todd Bacon
$235 from Anonymous
$218 From Jim White
$200 From Deborah Beasley
$200 From Lisza Gulyas
$200 From Roger Young
$200 From Sandon Purcell
$200 From Sidney B Brooks
$200 From Steward Mosko
$200 From Wynn Gandera
$182 From Jim White
$150 from Anonymous
$150 from Anonymous
$150 From Kevin Liburdy
$125 From Tamara Otero
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 From Al Comeau
$100 From Alan Friedberg
$100 From Amy & Chris Anastasoff
$100 From Andre van Hall
$100 From Ashwani Sahai
$100 From Bart Allen
$100 From Brian Bauk
$100 From Brian Singer
$100 From Carol Core
$100 From Charles Shapiro
$100 From Charles Turner
$100 From Chase Tyler
$100 From Colleen Cozad
$100 From Conor Tyler
$100 From Dan Lutz
$100 From Darlene Mast
$100 From Darlene Mast
$100 From darlene Mast
$100 From Darlene Mast
$100 From David + Jocelyn
$100 From David Dickmann
$100 From David Renton
$100 From ed cerkovnik
$100 From elizabeth klein
$100 From Elizabeth Miller
$100 From Gary Schrenk
$100 From Gregory Thompson
$100 From Gretchen Kneen
$100 From Ingrid O'Neil
$100 From James Goddard
$100 From James Johnston
$100 From James Mark Wipper
$100 From Joan Strauss
$100 From Joan Zisler
$100 From John Willson
$100 From Joseph Hodges
$100 From Judy Joseph
$100 From Kevin Corbett
$100 From Lee Driscoll
$100 From Lisza Gulyas
$100 From Mark Donovan
$100 From Mark Pilkenton
$100 From Mark Wipper
$100 From Melissa Meehan
$100 From MJ Johnston
$100 From Nancy Austin
$100 From Nancy Austin
$100 From Pamela Strauss
$100 From Paul Benson
$100 From Peg Johnston
$100 From Robert Mulgrew
$100 From Ross Dougherty
$100 From Sandon Purcell
$100 From Steve & Darlene Mast
$100 From William Imig
$50 From Anita Wilenkin
$50 From Ben Wilson
$50 From Carter Sales
$50 From Carter Sales
$50 From Cheryl Stasiak
$50 From Colleen Cozad
$50 From David Schumacher
$50 From Elizabeth McArthur
$50 From Galen & Yvonne Unruh
$50 From Geoff Williamson
$50 From Jack Gardner
$50 From Jim White
$50 From Joan Moore
$50 From Karen Harness
$50 From Kate McDonald
$50 From Katie Lawlor
$50 From Laura Rosseisen
$50 From Mark Donovan
$50 From Mark Donovan
$50 From Michael Jeronimus
$50 From Michelle Fritsch
$50 From Nancy Crow
$50 From Perrie Erickson
$50 From Riley Campbell
$50 From Scott and Laura White
$50 From Scott Weldon
$50 From Shelly Merritt
$50 From Tanya Friesen
$50 From Tracy Gonzalez
$50 From William R Obermann
$40 from Anonymous
$40 From Beth Steinhorn
$25 From Joan Keen
$25 From Joan Mund
$25 From Larry Farin
$25 From Nancy Woodruff
$15 From Pacesetter Donations

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